Quick Start Guide

This is a walkthrough of key elements from an example game. Please refer to the Rules page for a complete guide on how to play the game.

1. Start the game

• Click the boards you want to use (choose 1 or 2 boards from the 8 board grid).

• Select the number of players (FOUR).

• Choose your colour (Blue).

• Click the 'Start Game' button.

2. Choose your bases

Choose mountain regions as bases to place your initial armies. The borders of available (non-adjacent) mountain regions are highlighted in your player colour.

Each player takes turns to select one region until no more regions are available.

Once the bases are placed the main turn sequence starts. Each player turn is divided into phases : launch bombs, production, movement & attacks.

3. Production phase

Each group of connected regions you own is an empire and receives production based on the number and type of regions in it.

At the bottom of the screen your empires and armies to place for each empire are listed.

On the first turn you can click auto-deploy button to place one army in each of your mountain base regions.

In later turns click on highlighted regions to place your armies.

4. Movement

You can move armies from a region to an empty adjacent region but you must leave at least one army in the original region.

Click on the region to move from, then click on the region to move to. Next select the number of armies to move in the pop-up.

5. Attacks

You can launch an attack from one of your regions into the region of an opposing player if you have at least two armies in your region.

6. Initiate an attack

Click your region and then click a region to attack. Next choose a number of armies to use in the attack. There are some special rules for different terrain types - see the rules for details.

7. Resolving an attack

After an attack is initiated the defender has to guess the number that the attacker chose.

If the defender guesses correctly then the attacker loses that number of armies.

If the defender doesn't guess correctly then the defender loses one armies and the attacker gets one A-bomb to place in their empire.

8. After the attack

If an attacker destroys all armies in the defender's region then they move the number of armies that they chose earlier into that region.

Multiple attacks and moves can be made in any order during the movement phase.

9. Placement of bombs

A-bombs that are received by the winning attacker are placed within the empire of the attacking region.

Placing an A-bomb onto an existing A-bomb will increase the range of that bomb.

10. Amphibious attacks

See the rules for all the details of terrain effects on attacks.

When attacking onto land from the sea the defender gets two choices when guessing the number that the attacker chose.

11. Example attack

Here blue (the human player) is attacking into Belgium in order to capture the A-bomb in the Ardennes.

Note: if the Ardennes bomb wasn't captured then Pink could launch it at Britain causing 'quite a mess'.

12. End of the turn

Blue captured the Ardennes so Britain is safe for now, hurrah!

When you have no more moves and attacks to make click the 'End Turn' button.

13. Bombs

Further into the game, Pink has fought back by destroying the captured bomb and the Ardennes. So it's time for some retaliation.

To launch a bomb click on your region that contains an A-bomb or H-bomb. Then click on a region within range of the bomb.

If the bomb is within range click the 'Launch' button to launch the bomb at the selected target.

After launching an A-bomb you receive an H-bomb to place in your empire.

14. Ready

You're all ready now to play your first game of Computer Classic Warlord!

Play The Game